Interior painting can be a tremendously gratifying form of self-expression, a chance to select a color scheme that is uniquely yours. But sometimes a color choice goes too far, creating what is known as a color "trap". This happens most often when dark or very bold shades of paint are used.
Here are three of the most common color traps and simple ways to avoid them:
The most common color trap for novice painters: selecting a deep shade of paint without considering how it will look at night. When the sun goes down and only artificial light is present, inexperienced painters can be shocked to see their walls appear to be much darker than they intended. To avoid this trap, evaluate paint colors in every lighting condition – day and night, even sunny and cloudy days, if possible — before picking up a brush or roller.
The second color trap has to do with color harmony. Here, a very strong color is used and the room looks great. But when it comes time to paint an adjacent room, it seems that most colors clash with the walls in the first room. To avoid this trap, remember that colors should harmonize or otherwise be compatible from room to room. Like a good chess player, try to plan a step or two ahead when selecting your color scheme.
A third color trap can occur when a very bold wall color is used. The color may be so intense that it can overwhelm the rest of the décor, forcing the use of ever-brighter home furnishings to compete with the walls. A precaution to avoid this trap: paint just a single wall and live with it for a while before finishing the room.
Despite these potential color traps, strong colors can be used to create striking home interiors. The trick is to take everything into account before locking into a color scheme. If you have any doubt about your color choice, consider building in a margin of error by selecting a paint that is one shade lighter on the color card.