Monday, May 18, 2015

Where Have All the Brush Marks Gone?

Do-it-yourselfers who use top quality paint are often amazed to see brush and roller marks virtually disappear as their paint job dries. But it’s no surprise to the chemists who formulate the paint.

What is at work when quality paint dries to a beautiful, smooth finish are ingredients with the technical name "rheology modifiers." These special additives help keep the paint thin enough to flow freely and level out during application. . .yet thick enough so they don’t sag and leave unattractive drip marks on walls and other vertical surfaces.

It isn’t important for do-it-yourselfers to understand all the nuances of paint chemistry, but there are important practical takeaways for anyone who picks up a brush or roller:

  • While you are working, keep your brush or roller fully loaded with paint. Quality paints take on the best appearance – smooth, even, and sumptuous — when applied in a heavy coat.
  • Never re-brush or re-roll an area when newly-applied paint has partially dried. Allow the paint to perform as intended and level out naturally as time passes.
  • Never apply extra paint to touch up partially-dried paint. The time for touch-ups comes after the paint is completely dry.

Follow these guidelines and you’ll get the full benefit of the special ingredients in your paint. More importantly, you’ll help ensure that you end up with a great-looking paint job.